The Messageboard:

Remember, I have moved my book reviews to their own blog. Tracy's Book Nook is now active.

Monday, September 22

Under Construction

Dear Friends and Readers,

I have decided to change the look of my blog with the help of Lena at Simply Fabulous Blog Templates. I have now begun the process of making the change. It will take me some time to get all of the sidebar and widget content replaced and organized. For those of you whose blogs I follow and list in my blogroll, I think I will have you re-listed shortly. If you notice that your blog may be missing, please let me know, as it is simply an oversight. Thank you for your patience. Blessings to you!


Anonymous said...

Ooooo...I like the new look. I was just thinking the other day that I need a new look. At least a new header.

Meadow said...

Very pretty! I am working on a new one too!

BigDadGib said...

You have a great blog and I can tell, you have put a lot of work into it. Content is great too.
Your blog is a welcomed site to the Christian Bloggers Online blog roll.

Through Him,
Gib, CBO

Lori Laws said...

Love the new look Tracy! "under Construction" is a good takes alot of work, but so worth it. We all need a new facelift every once in a while:)
Blessings to you my friend!

Lynda Schab said...

Hey Tracy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your congrats! I am thrilled with second place - it's a huge honor for me.

Have a wonderful week!


Vickie said...

It's looking really nice Tracy. Just dropping by to say hi.


Dee Yoder said...

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for posting on my blog! I feel a bit better, but my whole family is sick now. You know that makes more work for mom! Anyway, your blog looks wonderful-very cheerful and inviting!

Terri Tiffany said...

I didn't see your old look but this is beautful! Loved your post today-- I had that list somewhere once and it's good to find it again! terri