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Tuesday, October 7

Tagged Again ~ I Love My Hubby Because...

I have been tagged again! The amazing Julie Arduini tagged mea at her blog The Surrendered Scribe, and this time I get to share five reasons why I love my hubby. If you don’t regularly read Julie’s blog, I highly recommend it. She’s a very talented and insightful writer and writes for several sources. She has a heart for marriage and is also doing a weekly Political Roundup through the election (and unlike me, she strives to be objective).

Grab the graphic and insert with these rules, in your post.Give at least 5 reasons why you love your hubby. List more if you want.Tag 5 people (or more) to play along and link to their blogs in your post.Then visit those women’s blogs and leave them a comment on any of their posts.

~ Valerie @ Simply 4 God


1) He is a wonderful and Godly man. He has very high integrity, intelligence and standards which he holds himself to. He passionately loves the Lord, me and our daughter. He is full of wisdom and truth. I respect him and his opinion immensely. I know I am a better person because I have him in my life.

2) He is my best friend. He supports me, encourages me and believes in me, in all that I do. I have no fear of being who I really am when I’m with him. He truly gets me. I would rather be with him (and Sweet Pea) than anyone else.

3) He makes me laugh. We have lots of fun and really enjoy spending time together. He is quiet and subdued, so most people don’t really experience his sense of humor and the rare, but fantastic, zingers he comes up with.

4) He is my partner. He works hard at his job to support our family (allowing me to be a SAHM). He also actively participates in parenting and takes over in the evenings after work, allowing me to go workout. And, he helps around the house with cooking, cleaning, laundry, whatever needs to be done. We talk about everything, make plans together and are working at building a secure future together.

5) He is a great father. He is completely smitten with our daughter and honestly enjoys being with her. He changes her, bathes her, feeds her, comforts her – anything she needs, he’s there for her. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing them play, dance, or cuddle.


Unknown said...

Ok, I will do this as my Thankful Thursday post. I am beyond thankful for my sweet husband who blesses our family beyond measure daily. Especially with all that is going on in the world around us and at his work now.

Thanks Tracy! Make sure you stop by on Thursday to pick up a special award that I gave away last week - I see you did not pick it up yet.


Unknown said...

You are one blessed wife - your hubby sounds like such a wonderful man to share this journey with God!


Anonymous said...

Awww...that is soo nice! Sounds like you have a wonderful hubby!
I think I will post mine for my Thankful Thursday post.

Anonymous said...

Well I have been tagged again! Guess I know what I am going to write about today! Thank you my friend and much blessings to you!

Peculiar said...

Tracy, as soon as I can, I will be more than happy to do this meme or tag. How sweet!! I have many reasons why I love my husband and I will be glad, even excited to share. I don't have much more time here at the library, so I will try and have this done and added to my blog by the end of the weekend. How's that? Thanks for thinking of me and stopping by my blog. Hang in there. Maybe my computer woes will be over soon.

Peculiar said...

I forgot to mention that I read your 5 reasons why you love your husband, and frankly, I think, well...God just plain gave you a good man!! What a huge blessing!! I just thank Jesus for what you have and what He has done in your life through your husband. Go God!! Many blessings on your marriage. Tell your husband to keep doing what he's doing!!