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Wednesday, January 14

Stay the Course ~ Word-Filled Wednesday

This is my contribution to the meme Word-Filled Wednesday. For more beautiful pictures with inspiring Scripture, please visit The 160 Acre Woods, home of WFW.

For my first WFW of 2009, I decided to focus on the Scripture picture I created for my 2009 theme. This is my focus for the year, to Stay the Course, Look Forward, Press On and Receive the Prize. To persevere in my writing and in my struggles. I know that I can cross the finish line victoriously, if I just keep my eyes on the prize and stay close to Him.


Deanna said...

Forgetting the past... this is a challenge that I am working on for 2009.

Laurie Ann said...

Cheering you on as you run toward the prize! Love the picture you chose to go with this Scripture. Great choice! Happy WFW!

Travis said...

Yes, that is an awesome picture. Is that in your backyard in Phoenix?

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister.

Lovin' that verse.

Kristi said...

What a wonderful verse for 2009. I just love the juxtaposition of the huge trees and the tiny path. Blessings to you.

Vickie said...

Great choice for the start of the year.

I pray for His strength as we persevere and push on towards the mark of the prize of the high calling.


Amydeanne said...

beautiful graphic! But more importantly wonderful verse! my daughter is learning this one for church and it's so wonderfully on my heart a lot!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful trees there!
Amen, amen!