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Thursday, September 18

One Whole Year ~ Thankful Thursday

Well, here it is again - Thankful Thursday! I’m so happy to be able to offer up “Thanks” regularly for the many wonderful blessings I have, whether large or small, significant or mundane. I’d like to offer a special thank you to Iris at her blog, Sting My Heart for hosting this wonderful Meme. If you would like to participate or just read from more thankful hearts, pop on over to Thankful Thursday and join us.

As always, there’s much to be thankful for. Choosing my “Thankful” topic for today was very easy. Exactly one year ago today, my wait was over, my dream came true and my joy was complete. At 9:30 AM on 9/18/07, my little Sweet Pea was born. This week I am thankful for:

~ A beautiful, happy and healthy daughter.

~ Her laughter and squeals of delight.

~ Her obviously above-average intelligence. ;)

~ The sweet singing that awakens me each morning.

~ The long cuddles and hugs she gives me following her waking from bedtime or naptime.

~ The beautiful smile that lights up her face, the room we’re in and my own heart.

~ A depth of love I never before knew existed.

And I am especially thankful to the Lord, for this amazing and perfect gift that He has entrusted me with.



Esthermay Bentley-Goossen said...

This is beautiful! What a precious little girl! You've got a "sticky" (as they say...) blog. I'm hurrying here to start our homeschool lessons on time, but I've bookmarked you!
God Bless You!
& Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!

Anonymous said...

She is cute and she is a beautiful little girl...That is a big to be thankful for....

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday sweet Reagan!

Thankful for finding your blog today!


Anonymous said...

You are making me cry! She is beautiful! Happy Birthday to your little joy!

Kaiden has his 1st on the 2nd of October. I am already getting worked up over it!

Blessings to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your little blessing, enjoy this very special day!

Anonymous said...

We go to Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) in Peoria.
Love it there!

Lori Laws said...

Such a beautiful little girl! She's the sunshine of your life...a most precious gift from the Sonshine of your life!

Happy 1st bday Reagan!

Anonymous said...

You indeed have a blessing to be thankful for. What a beautiful and precious blessing you have. Enjoy her and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET PEA"! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Sweet Pea. She's precious!!

LauraLee Shaw said...

Oh my goodness, she is so darling!!!! Happy birthday to her!!!!

Josh said...

She's such a doll. What a blessing! I'm happy that you are able to celebrate a whole year of joy with our little one. :)