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Thursday, August 21

Vacation Time ~ Thankful Thursday

Well, here it is again - Thankful Thursday! I’m so happy to be able to offer up “Thanks” regularly for the many wonderful blessings I have, whether large or small, significant or mundane. I’d like to offer a special thank you to Iris at her blog, Sting My Heart for hosting this wonderful Meme. If you would like to participate or just read from more thankful hearts, pop on over to Thankful Thursday and join us.

I have been looking forward to the end of this week for some time now. We are leaving for vacation on Saturday. After the last couple of weeks, I’m looking forward to it even more. So, this week I’m thankful for:

~ A great vacation destination – Lake Tahoe.

~ A solid and comfortable vehicle to travel in.

~ Time spent in relaxation and enjoyment with my favorite people – Jeff and Reagan.

~ Somewhat lower gas prices.

~ Cooler temperatures and fun activities, along with beautiful surroundings.

And on another subject, I’m thankful for the comfort, support and prayers I’ve received from this wonderful blogging community, in relation to my miscarriage on Monday. I’m especially thankful to the Lord for the comfort, love and peace He has lavished on me.


Denise said...

Enjoy your vacation sweetie.

Jenileigh said...

Be blessed this Thankful Thursday. Hugs.

LauraLee Shaw said...

I pray your vacation is blessed with all good things. What incredible timing! Look forward to hearing all about it.

Melanie said...

Have a wonderful vacation.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy, enjoy!

Joanne Sher said...

What wonderful thankfuls :) Continuing to pray, and also looking forward to hearing about the trip. Enjoy!

Nancie said...

It's so wonderful that you can go for vacation! Enjoy your vacation! Praying for you. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!