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Thursday, August 14

The Olympics ~ Thankful Thursday

Well, here it is again - Thankful Thursday! I’m so happy to be able to offer up “Thanks” regularly for the many wonderful blessings I have, whether large or small, significant or mundane. I’d like to offer a special thank you to Iris at her blog, Sting My Heart for hosting this wonderful Meme. If you would like to participate or just read from more thankful hearts, pop on over to Thankful Thursday and join us.

This week I’m keeping it short and simple. With the Olympics going on, and being held in Beijing, I want to give thanks for:

~ The freedom I have to worship the Lord in the manner which I choose, without worrying about persecution from the government.

~ An abundance of food that isn’t fried crickets, scorpions, silkworms and such. (Ewwww!)

~ Building codes and safety regulations that are so stringent (thinking back to the devastation of the earthquake a few months back in the Sichuan province and all of the people, esp. children who were killed in destroyed buildings).

~ National pride and patriotism for the good old USA.

~ Tivo, which allows me to easily record and watch the events I’m interested in when I’m unable to be in front of the TV.

Ok, so these are not really deeply spiritual things, but I’m thankful for them anyway!


Denise said...

Those are nice things to be thankful for sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the simplest things need thanks too !

Melanie said...

I am so thankful for the freedom we have in our country, too! I'm afraid I take it for granted far too often.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Peculiar said...

Hey Tracy, while you say these might not be deeply spiritual things to be grateful for, think again. For one thing, God is just so pleased with our decision to be thankful in all things.

But then, to be thankful that we're not in a country that suffers persecution for our faith the way some countries do, and to be thankful for being born in the free country that we are, is definitely a spiritual blessing. It allows for worshipping freely in the spirit without worry about who may be after us, and it says that God is sovereign. He chose where we would be born and we don't know why, but we can surely be grateful.

You have such a neat TT list. Glad I stopped by today.

Nancie said...

Sweet thankful list! You have such a thankful heart! I am thankful too for the freedom I have to worship the Lord. I like the way you are thankful for abundance of food that isn’t fried crickets, scorpions, silkworms and such :) Sometimes we forget how blessed we are in this aspect! Yes, we need to be thankful even for little things in life. They are all God's blessings. Thank you for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!

Darlene said...

Great list of thanks! I think we take our freedom for granted too. I am proud to be an American!
I have really enjoyed the olmypics this year.
Thanks for sharing,
Sweet Blessings,