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Remember, I have moved my book reviews to their own blog. Tracy's Book Nook is now active.

Monday, August 18

My Apologies

I have been fairly inactive for the last couple of weeks. My little Sweetpea first came down with a cold and then unfortunately, a few days later, I did too. We were both sick for over a week and a half. We are both doing better now, but it really kept me from doing many things. I haven't been around much to read and comment to others, but that doesn't mean that I don't still love ya! As far as my writing goes, that has suffered the most. The cold I had really pretty much knocked me out mentally and I found it very difficult to put together a coherent sentence.

So now I'm feeling much more like my old self, but still won't be around as much as I'd like. I have a lot of catching up to do (especially around the house) and I'm going to be getting us ready to go on vacation. Beginning this weekend, I won't be around at all, until after Labor Day. So for those of you who faithfully read my posts, I'm sorry this is such a dry period. I know I haven't moved forward with my "Choose Life" series, but as I said, mentally (and spiritually) I just couldn't get it together. I expect to come back refreshed and full of lots to say! I will post a bit this week, but because I have so much to catch up on, I still don't have a lot of time. Thanks for understanding and know that I really miss this!


Joanne Sher said...

Apology not necessary - your health and your family HAVE TO come first. Praying for you and your sweetpea, and for a refreshing vacation. :)

LauraLee Shaw said...

I've missed your posts, BUT we as God's faithful servants must write when HE prompts us, and within the priorities He's laid out for us. YOu are a wise woman to wait on Him. Hope everyone is feeling better and healthy soon. Have fun on your vacation.

Peculiar said...

Tracy, while we'll miss ya terribly, you know that we understand. I miss posting sometimes because I have priority things that I need and want to do with family, and you know what, there are no apologies necessary for that. That's what we're supposed to do. Blogging should just be the outlet that God allows us when everything else is in priority order. I love blogging too, but I always pray that it never takes up spaces on my priority list that it shouldn't.

Thanks for stopping by my place today. I love The Simple Woman's Daybook. It gave me a simple chance to let somebody see a glimpse of my little simple world. The simpler the better, I say, because sometimes, life can get very complicated. I created The Simple Young Woman's Daybook for my girls from the same idea. They started today, and they love it!!

TTYL and I hope you have a wonderful and restful vacation. Come back refreshed so that you can give us some more great posts.

Lori Laws said...

I love what Peculiar said (if I may quote)..."Blogging should just be the outlet that God allows us when everything else is in priority order."
We all need a rest, and God knows...heck, He's in charge!
Glad you feel better, and have a great vacation!
God bless you and your family,


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you had the sickies! Kaiden was sick last week with his first cold.
Got room on your vacation for one more?!