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Friday, July 18

A Heavy Heart

It is with a very heavy heart that I write this latest blog post. Jeff and I had to have our beloved dog Ashley put down yesterday. For those who know me (us), you know this has caused us excruciating pain. We've always loved our pets like they were 4-legged, furry children. Our hearts are truly broken right now. In my Thankful Thursday post yesterday, I mentioned Ashley, knowing her time was coming soon. What I did not know was that it would be only a few hours later.

I'm so grateful for the time I had with her. She was an amazing dog, full of love and playfulness and life. The vet was amazed she made it 15 years and was as healthy as she was. We miss her deeply and I just can't keep the tears from falling. I know time will ease the pain, but right now the pain is searing. That said, I wouldn't change it, because I know the depth of the pain that I feel right now is in direct relation to the love that was shared. And I wouldn't give that up for anything. I believe she is in heaven now, waiting for us, ball in mouth and tail waving.

Jeff wrote a beautiful tribute to Ashley on his GodLinked blog. If you would like to read what he wrote, just click on A Tribute to Ashley. I know the grieving has just begun and we have a way to go. If you've ever had a pet you've loved this much, you'll undestand. If you haven't, and you don't understand, there's no way to explain it. Thank you for reading this, and if you have a beloved pet (or more than one) be sure to give them lots of hugs and don't forget the treats too!


Lori Laws said...

Tracy, I'm sorry. Ashley sounded like she was a very special gift. Yes, losing a pet is like losing a part of your family

LauraLee Shaw said...

Oh, Tracy, I am grieving with you. I will pray on and off for you as the Lord brings your sadness to my mind. I hope you and Jeff feel the peace and love from your Father who loves you more than you could ever imagine, and also from the Body of believers. Huge hugs.

Anonymous said...

It is crazy how these dogs carve an extra special place in our hearts! I have walked that path, too. It does hurt. 15 years! Wow..lot's of great memories, I am sure.

Gina Conroy said...

So sorry to hear of your loss!

Joanne Sher said...

Oh, sweetie. I DO know what it's like, and I am absolutely praying for you. Many hugs to you and Jeff, dear.

Josh said...

I'm crying right now. I'm so sorry for your loss Tracy. I think about two of my dogs. There was my first dog, Wendy. She was 18 years old when she had to be put to sleep. Then there was Schatzie (pronounced shot-zee meaning sweetheart in German). It was just a couple short year ago that she too was put down at the age of 16. I loved them both dearly. They WERE family. No questions about it. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. It's so hard losing friends like that. So very hard...