Tuesday, December 30

Ta-Da! My New Blog Look

Ok, here is the new look that I've chosen to get me through for the next few months. I will be working on my "permanent" look and hope to unveil it for my blogiversary, which is coming up in April. This is a lot of work! But in the end it's worth it, I think.

In this look, I've tried to make it easier to read by lightening the background and de-cluttering somewhat (which was accomplished by adding the tabs at the top). Also, I now have the date back, which I had lost in the last template. I do have some more work to do on this, but for the most part it's ready.

I'd love to know what you think! If I typically display your blog on my blogroll and you find that it's not there, I think I've missed some. Simply notify me, by clicking the Contact tab at the top, and I will re-add your blog to my list. As always, thank you for reading and for your encouraging words! I love my bloggy friends! Blessings and Happy New Year!


  1. Ohhhh, this looks GREAT!!!!!!!! I love the colors.

    I wish I could click on "followers" but it won't let me since I'm wordpress. DRATTED wordpress. GRRRR


  2. Ooohhhh, I likey!
    Good job!

  3. Great blog, found you through lori at perseveer. I will follow you, hope you will come by and folllow too. God Bless and I look forward to reading your blog some more.

  4. P.S. I am really interested in writting too, and would love to do a book, I truely feel God is putting it on my heart but don't know where to start. I have allot written in Word docs. but don't know what to do with it all, not to mention my heart pouring out in my blogs. Any suggestions???? Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.

  5. I really dig the red look. Of course I have never seen your blog with a bad design, so it's hard for me to say whether this is better or not. It's definitely just as good if not better. :)

  6. Love the new look! Getting rid of the clutter...I have alot of clutter!
    This template is definitely looking
    very clean and sharp, and you have more room. You picked an attractive design. Good job!

  7. Tracy I love it! This is beautiful! Way to go and congrats on making it through the transformation from old to the new! Blessings!

  8. Tracy,

    Very nice. It has a clean look and is easy to read. I like the three columns.

    Larry E.

  9. I like the new look. It is less cluttered and easier to find everything. I keep checking out other people's blogs because I desperately need a blog makeover. You've given me some ideas. :) Thanks.

  10. I like the new look!!! Great job!!!
    I want a new permnament look...I keep putting it off. I guess I am chicken. LOL
    I really like what you have done to the blog.

  11. Very nice! I like it. I am not sure if you had my blog on your blog roll or not~

  12. I'm so technically challenged I'm still using the bland template here on blogger - after having my account almost a year. It's probably why I frequent other blog sites even though the other bloggers are much more ornery and predisposed to eviscerating Christians - I find myself latching on to a look, to comfort and caving to the fear of accidentally blowing up my page...
    This does look beautiful. Peace.
    TL Boehm
    http:// www.eloquentbooks.com/BethanysCrossing.html


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!