Monday, December 29

A New Look for the New Year

Hi Everyone!

As much as I've enjoyed my pretty pink blog, it is time for a change. I really don't enjoy doing all the work that is required in changing my blog and hope this is the second to last time for quite awhile. With the New Year beginning, I want to start out fresh with a new look. This is not the look I want permanently (I'm still really working on that), but am happy to have found a template I can live with for a bit. It is pretty and wintery (ok, Christmasy, but we can pretend it's all about winter), isn't as busy or as dark and is much easier to read.

I will be taking my blog offline for a brief time, beginning tomorrow, so that I can make the changes I need to make and customize it. Obviously this is a process that takes a lot of time and effort, but I hope to unveil the new look on New Years Day.

In the meantime, I wish you all have a very Happy New Year and a Blessed and Prosperous 2009!


  1. Tracy I know exactly what you mean about "redecorating" your blog. It is time consuming and tedious work but the finally result is well worth it. I can't wait to see the "new look" Blessings and will keep checking back often!

  2. Tracy,

    Happy New Year!

    I love you!

    Do you want help redoing the blog?

    Did you see the four I did yesterday and today?

    Let me know and I'll be happy to help!


  3. Tracy,

    I will look forward to the new look. have a happy New Years.

    Larry E.


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!