Monday, November 24

Today's the Day

Whohooo! My big day has arrived! As I mentioned last Thursday, my writing is being featured in two separate places, besides here at Seed Thoughts. Unfortunately, a have a sick little one, so this will be a brief post, but I would be thrilled if you were to check out my other two posts and let me know what you think.

The first is a Thankful post that is being featured on Julie Arduini’s The Surrendered Scribe blog. She is participating in NaBloPoMo, which is National Blog Posting Month, which challenges participants to post 30 blog posts in 30 days. She has chosen the topic of ‘Thankful’ and is featuring a different guest writer each day of the month. I am so thankful that she has allowed me to participate and bring my biggest ‘Thankful’ of the year to her blog. The title of the post is Thankful For the Wait. If you haven’t been over to read some truly amazing ‘Thankful’ blog post, I highly recommend you do. I’m sure it’ll bless your socks off!

The second is at Take Root and Write, an online collaboration of Christian women writers, who compose words of encouragement, insight and thought for the journey we are all on. I am honored and blessed to be regular monthly contributor there. My monthly column will be an extension of the series I’m doing here on my blog and will be called ‘Choosing Life’. The title of my first post is called Why Choose Life.

Thank you so much, to all of you who are so wonderful about reading and commenting on my posts and for all of the encouragement you’ve given me along the way. NaNoWriMo is nearly over and I’ll be back visiting you soon. Blessings!


  1. More writing challenges!? I can't keep up!

    Congrats to you, though, for doing so well!

    Hope that gorgeous baby feels better soon!

  2. Congrats on your big day my friend! What a blessing to have been invited to write on your friends blogs! I can see why because you have a beautiful way of expressing yourself in words! I am so happy for you! Much love and I hope your little one is feeling better! Blessings!

  3. Congratulations!!!! I am so proud of you!!! God has given you a writing talent and I think it is awesome!!

    I have been behind on blog reading due to a heavy heart. Trying to pull out of the mire and muck. I didn't realize how much I have missed this...till now.
    Thanks for the reminder!
    Keep up the wonderful writing!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!