Friday, November 21

My Little Sweet Pea

I don’t do a lot of “Mommy” post, but please, indulge me in this one. My baby is growing up. Sweet Pea is now 14-months old. She can walk, but doesn’t do it much. She no longer looks like a baby at all – she’s now a toddler in looks as well as age. She finally gave up the bottle a couple of weeks ago and is now solely on the sippy-cup.

Of course, all of this is to be expected. As time passes, babies grow, and that’s a good thing. Crawling, then walking, developing as a toddler, I’m so happy to see this all happening as it should be. Still, I miss some of the truly baby stuff, though that doesn’t include middle of the night feedings.

I’m so enjoying her right now. I’m blessed to be able to stay at home with her and I treasure that. She delights me! When I hear her singing her own little songs it warms my heart. I feel an explosion of joy when I hear her laugh. And lately, she’s begun dancing. To see her little tushie shaking and moving to the music just makes me melt!

So this post is for my little Sweet Pea, my precious little baby who is now growing into a very special little girl. I pray that I will always enjoy her, whatever stage she’s in and that God would give me the wisdom to train her up the way He wants me to, to help shape her into wonderful person He has created her to be.

Thank you for indulging me in this “Mommy” post. This morning as I watched her wiggling and jiggling to “The Bunny Song” from Veggie Tales, I was overwhelmed with love and pride and awareness of her growth, so I just had to record it. She is my greatest gift! Blessings to you, and all of your little ones too (even if they’re not so little anymore)!


  1. Beautiful and no need to ask us to indulge you in the love of your precious girl!

    Where is a picture to go with the post??? Can we enjoy her smile and joy with you?

    Love and hugs,

  2. Yeah, let's see a picture:-)

    I echo Jill, no need to ask...girl it's your blog, your sweet her off.


  3. OK she is DELICIOUS!

    Thanks for the picture! Always share her with us - she brings you joy and is your life! Never feel bad about giving God the glory for the miracle and blessing He has given you and Jeff!


  4. She is absolutely beautiful! So cute! What a sweetie! You have two awards waiting for you on my blog. Blessings!

  5. What a cutie pie :)...those are are too beautiful.

    The Bunny Song from Veggie Tales the one that goes...
    I don't love my soup or my bread just the bunny, the bunny, oh I love the bunny...

    That is a fav in our house too!!

    Congrats on your NaNo numbers are doing awesome.

  6. how wonderful - every age brings wonders and challenges. My son is 21 and I still get those 'wow' 'proud' moments when he says or does something for me or for others.

  7. She is adorable!!!

    I haven't been in blog land lately due to a heavy heart. I am trying to get back into the swing of things...I have missed this so much. I am catching up on all I have missed!
    Going through a very hard time...
    pray for us.
    Sweet Blessings,

  8. Tracy she is so precious. Thank you for taking time to share her with us.

    I know the feeling of wanting to savour each stage she is at since they grow so quickly.

    Children truly are a treasure and a blessing from the Lord. Enjoy her.


  9. She's gorgeous! My grandson is the same age almost so it helps me to hear what they do at this age--he's in Seattle and I'm in Fla so I don't know much! Enjoy your precious gift from God!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!