Wednesday, November 5

Ishmael on "He Said, She Said"

Just in case any of you were wondering about the team blog I'm doing with Jeff, He Said, She Said, we both added our first posts this week. The topic we chose to write on is "Ishmael." So if you'd like to see what we had to say about that loaded topic, just go on over to He Said, She Said and check it out! Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Husband and wife each posting their own posts regarding the same subject? Very cool idea! I'm going to go read this now. I've been missing your blog very much, Tracy.

    Oh and by the way. I tagged you for this fun meme where you list three things that you like about yourself. You can see my post here:

    Only post if you have time and feel like it. Blessings! :)


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!