Wednesday, November 5

His Ways Are NOT Our Ways ~ Word-Filled Wednesday

This is my contribution to the meme Word-Filled Wednesday. For more beautiful pictures with inspiring Scripture, please visit The 160 Acre Woods, home of WFW.

I, along with many of you I'm sure, was disappointed at the outcome of the election. But as I sat there watching, stunned, with tears falling, God brought this Scripture to my mind. And He reminded me that He is still God, He is still in control, He still has a plan, and He is still on the throne! I knew I did what was required of me, by casting my vote according to my convictions, so in that regard, I did my job well. At this point, my new job is simply to trust God and pray for President-Elect Obama. And that is what I intend to do. Won't you join me?


  1. Amen sister! I am right there with you... and what a perfect verse for the day after the election.

    I join you in praying for our President Elect and our country. These are troubled times... but yes, God is still God and is all Sovereign.

    God bless you!!!!

  2. I agree. We now need to pray for our President elect. God is sovereign and this didn't take Him by surprise.

  3. So true!

    And we definitely need to keep praying...

  4. Tracy,

    Your heart for His way is so evident and beautiful!

    I appreciate your sharing this very important verse today - as so many have lost sight of the very thing He spoke to your heart. His ways are not ours - we must trust in Him knowing He knows all, sees all and has our best interest at heart. Not to mention He is preparing the way for His Son to receive His bride.

    Come Lord Jesus COME!


  5. AMEN! I am praying with you! May the Lord watch over us and protect us! Thanks for sharing! The picture was beautiful, btw.

  6. Wowzer, beautiful. Praying with you...

  7. Oh yeah, I'll be joining you. My choice didn't make it into the whitehouse, but Jesus will prevail. My faith is in HIM, not the president elect; however, I will support the authority chosen because that's what we must do.

    I'll be praying for him and if we join together, God can still work through the new president elect as well.

  8. Thanks, Tracy!

    I said much the same thing on my blog- great minds think alike! :)

    Thanks for your blog!

  9. I love this verse Tracy--it is one I hold on to during trials.
    And yes --I agree!

  10. God is still God, and Obama could not have been elected had God not allowed it. We just have to do our best to support our new leader, and even if we don't agree with all of his actions, we have to still pray for him to make wise decisions.

    You said it well, and I'm glad that you are praying for our country. So many of us forget to do that, and it is very important.


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!