Tuesday, October 21

A Wounded Warrior Needs Your Help

This broke my heart, and I felt compelled to share it with you. I originally saw this story on Michelle Malkin’s Blog. I will not try to add to or detract from it. It is about a wounded soldier. Please read, pray, and if you’re compelled, show your support. If you’re interested, I encourage you to add this information to your blog as well.


I know a young man who is in desperate need of help. His name is PFC Hunter Levine. He is 20 years old and hails from Houston, TX.

He was in my company and was wounded on 9 May, 2008 while conducting combat operations in East Baghdad. He received a very serious injury to his face, resulting in the loss of his entire bone structure, mouth, nose, and vision.

He was evacuated to Walter Reed Hospital where the doctors performed numerous surgeries to repair his face. I was fortunate enough to attend a Purple Heart Ceremony at Walter Reed while I was home on leave in June. I was also able to meet with Hunter’s father Beau.

Hunter was then transferred to a VA hospital in Palo Alto, where the best care for his vision would be available. He is a true fighter with a heart of gold.

Bad News
Unfortunately, I received some bad news from the hospital doctors. Lately, he has been resisting treatment and being somewhat combative with the hospital staff. He has had a few outbursts and the staff is real worried about him. It seems like a serious case of depression is setting in.

Although his wounds on the outside may look bad, they may never compare with the wounds he has on the inside.

I spoke with him on the phone this evening, and he seemed real down. The reality is that he still has a long road to recover and may never see again. This young man has everything to live for and is a true inspiration. He is exactly the kind of person we would all want in a brother, son, or friend. I feel obligated to try and rally some support for him. I know we have a lot of caring people out there who would love to do something special for an outstanding American who gave his all for his country.

Call to Action
If you know of any church groups, school room classes, or other benevolent organizations that would be interested in assisting this brave young man, please forward this message on to them.

He is a pretty typical young man, so he likes sports and other typical young men stuff. A small care package with some goodies and such would mean the world.

Again, please forward this message to as many people as you know. It would be so great if we can all give way together and show Hunter that his country will never forget his sacrifices or service. He is down and needs our help.

Thank you for your support, it means everything.
V/R,1SG Brian M. DisqueC CO 2-30 IN

How to help. Go here. Send an e-mail to Tammy Munson and let her know if you can send cards, care packages, etc.:

Help lift up PFC Hunter Levine. Keep him in your prayers. Show him your gratitude and love. We owe men and women like him our freedom.

Never forget.

Tammy has an update here from a BlueStarMom who visited with PFC Levine. Keep those well wishes and prayers coming.


Please remember to pray for our military heroes. We sometimes forget what they are going through. Sadly, there are many wounded warriors who feel alone and maybe even forgotten. There are some who have no family to visit them. There are some who receive no emails, letters, cards or care packages from loved ones. If you have a heart for the military and are compelled to help, there are organizations that are dedicated to this special cause. I’m only listing a few. Please check them out and see which one fits you the best.

~ Soldiers Angels
~ Wounded Warrior Project
~ Email Our Military (eMOM)
~ Adopt a Platoon

“The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” ~ General Douglas MacArthur


  1. Blessings Tracy & Michelle (kinda)

    We don't know each other but I would like permission from either of you or both of you to link this to my Mission 4 Monday this upcoming Monday. Though I do not get alot of traffic, it will begin to get the word out to other blogs & maybe more will pass on to honor
    people like PFC Hunter Levine.

    Please let me know if it's alright!
    mission4monday(at)gmail(dot) com

  2. I found your blog through Mission4Monday and am so glad I did. I have written to Tammy and asked her for PFC Levine's address so I can send him a card and a letter.

    I belong to Angels n Camouflage and am having a card shower for my 19 year old female soldier. Please drop by my Writing Nook for details.


  3. I am so glad Peggy linked you to Mission4Monday. I am praying PFC Hunter Levine. May God shower His mercies upon him. Thanks for sharing with us. God bless you too.


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!