Monday, October 20

Delighted to Receive and Pass On

Several months ago, I felt the Lord prompt me in my spirit to begin writing again and to be more open and public about it. I began out of obedience to Him, but it never occurred to me how much I would receive from it. I began participating in the Writing Challenges at FaithWriters, and that led to me starting my own blog. Since that time I have been honored and humbled, encouraged and challenged, and have even learned a bit (a very little bit) about HTML and techie-stuff! I have grown in my writing and in the knowledge of the Lord. I have met many wonderful fellow bloggers that have become cyber-friends.

All this to say, that I have received another two blog awards from three fantastic fellow bloggers. It is a privilege to be recognized by these ladies, because their own blogs are so outstanding. If you haven’t visited their blogs, please do – I’m sure they will bless the socks off you! So thank you to Gi, Lori and Valerie Lynn for thinking of me, and passing on these two friendship awards. I pray the Lord blesses you abundantly for your faithful service to Him!

We need Friends for many reasons,
all throughout the seasons.
We need Friends to comfort us when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need Friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,
and treat us nice.
We need Friends to remember us
ones we have passed sharing memories
that will always last.

I now pass these awards on to more fabulous and inspired bloggy friends. You all have wonderful blogs and I am encouraged by them regularly. I’ll try to not duplicate if you’ve just received these awards, and I am sincerely sorry if I’ve left anyone out. And the awards go to:

~ http://momof4savedbygrace/


  1. thanks tracy for the awards. Though I am so undeserving of them All praise and glory to my King.

  2. Thank you Tracy!

    I'm so humbled and honored to be someone you call friend and inspired by!

    Lots of love to you and blessings!

  3. Thank you so much for this award! I am honored!

  4. Tracy you are such a picture of friendship and God's love. Your constant encouragement and support to all of us is such a gift. Thank you for seeing God's hand in what we all do. Blessings to you!

  5. Tracy thank you so much. I am so humbled but blessed that you would think of me.

    You are a great example of the love of God.


  6. Thank you for your kindness!!We each learn so much from each other. I think that's the only way we can do this writing thing. Hope you become even more of a doer!

  7. Thank-YOU for thinking of me in when giving these awards!
    I am so honored and blessed to have such a wonderful blog friend.
    You are always encouraging and so faithful in leaving comments. For this I am thankful.

    Sweet Blessings,

  8. Just found your blog - I'll be back!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!