Monday, October 13

Thank You and Thank You for Two New Blog Awards

I am blessed and deeply honored to receive two new blog awards! The first one was given to me by Jill at her Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always blog. Jill is an amazing woman of God and is passionate about the things of God. Her posts are filled with the Word and Wisdom and Love. She is the host of Monday Morning Reflections and Fearfully Fabulous Fridays. If you haven’t had an opportunity to stop by her blog, I encourage you to do so.

Jill created the Faithful Servant Award because she was grateful for the many friends she’s met along her blogging journey. In her words: “Many of you have touched my heart and life in ways that have changed me eternally! I thank you for being a faithful servant and being obedient to the upward calling every time you share a piece of His heart living out in you! I pray that you will share this award with others who have touched your heart by sowing seeds of love into your life! They will know we are His by how we love one another! Let us sow seeds of love throughout the blogging world and touch the hearts of those who come to read what we all share! To HIM be all the glory forever and ever! AMEN!”

The second is from Valerie at her Simply 4 God blog. Valerie is another woman of God and I have been thoroughly enjoyed reading her blog for several months now. She has a passion for Jesus that is honest, real and inspiring. There is so much wisdom, gratitude and hope in her posts and I am always encouraged by what I read. If you haven’t had an opportunity to stop by her blog, I encourage you to do so. She has given me the Beautiful Butterfly Award for the Coolest Blog.

So now I get to pass out these two new awards and sow seeds of love to other faithful servant’s who bless me with their amazing words and wisdom and encouragement. Thank you all for blessing me so much and so often. I will try to not give either award to someone I know who’s just received the award. The rules are to pass the awards on to others whose blogs you admire, find inspiring or are faithful in sowing seeds of love and God. You may pass the awards on to as many people you like (the Butterfly Award suggests 10) to encourage them and show your appreciation for their blog. Enjoy!

I award the Faithful Servant Award to:
~ LauraLee @ LauraLee’s Lifesong
~ Lori @ Persevere
~ Valerie@ Simply 4 God
~ Tamela @ Tamela’s Place
~Julie @ The Surrendered Scribe
~ Joanne @ An Open Book

I award the Beautiful Butterfly Award to:
~ Tracey @ Cheese and Whine
~ Jill @ Forever ‘n Ever ‘n Always
~ Vickie @ Writing While Walking
~ Terri @ Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer
~ Peculiar @ How Do We Get There From Here
~Patty @ Patterings
~ Laura Lee @ Laura Lee’s Lifesong
~Julie @ The Surrendered Scribe
~ Joanne @ An Open Book
~ Vii @ Breaths of the Heart


  1. Tracy,

    Thanks! I love this award! Let me first congratulate you...your blog is such an encouraging site. I really enjoy reading your wisdom everyday! You are a faithful servant, my sister. Keep up the great blogging! God Bless! Luv Ya!

  2. Congratulations on the blog awards! Your blog is always encouaaing and uplifting. I enjoy stopping by.
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Tracy,

    Thank you so much!

    I am honored and humbled by your kind words! Thank you for taking time to share the award with others and sowing many seeds of love!

    You are a treasure!
    In His grace,

  4. Thank you so much for thinking of me! I am honored!
    Blessings my friend!

  5. Out of all the awards, I believe this one has touched my heart! Thank you so much Tracy! I am truly humbled and overflowing with joy. Congrats on receiving the award yourself! I love reading your Words of Wisdom! Thank you and love ya! Blessings

  6. Oh, Tracey. Your blog is SO deserving of BOTH of these awards--and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for selecting my blog for BOTH! I so appreciate the encouragement--both from your wonderful comments on my blog, and your wise words on yours!

  7. Thank you so much tracy for choosing Tamela's place to give this award to.. I love the name of this award, "Faithful servant award sowing seeds of love" I want to say congratulations to you as well. You are a blessing among the Christian bloggers. I truly enjoy reading your blog.. God bless you Tracy and thank you very much!

  8. Tracy,
    What a blessing you are. Your blog is beautiful in words, motivation and design and your awards are well deserved.

    I'm honored and humbled you would include the Surrendered Scribe to pass the award on. Thank you!

  9. Congratulations, Tracy!! I love visiting you here! and thank you for sharing the award with me--what an encouragement and blessing!

  10. Thank you for the award! How nice of you to think of me and it is an encouragement to me! I love your blog and enjoy coming here:)

  11. Congrats on your awards for your blog. It really is a blessing. And thank you for sharing an award with me.

  12. Hi Tracy, congratulations on receiving your awards. You absolutely deserve them. I just love to visit you here. I am so encouraged by your words and your unique style of writing.

    Thank you for thinking of me, for even considering me. This is my very first blog award. I will treasure it and I will display it proudly.


  13. Thank you so much Tracy. You're always so very kind and thoughtful. You know how I feel about your blog too, but in case you forgot...I LOVE IT!! Yes, I'm still having computer trouble, but I was able to get to the library today and just have a quick "look see." What a treat to log on and see that I'd been thought about again. I will probably be able to put my award on my blog tomorrow or Saturday. Just wanted you to know today though, that I appreciate you.

  14. Oh, Tracy, thank you so much! I'm sorry, I'm so behind on everything, I'm just now getting to read this! I love your blog, and especially your heart. And I really appreciate your stroke of encouragement fo rme...


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!