Tuesday, October 14

Fight Poverty ~ Word-Filled Wednesday

This is a dual-purpose post. This is my contribution to the meme Word-Filled Wednesday. For more beautiful pictures with inspiring Scripture, please visit The 160 Acre Woods, home of WFW.

Also, it is my contribution to Blog Action Day 2008 – Poverty. The website says this: On October 15th bloggers everywhere will publish posts that discuss poverty in some way. By all posting on the same day we aim to change the conversation that day, to raise awareness, start a global discussion and add momentum to an important cause. Every blogger has a unique voice, audience and perspective. By speaking to their readers on topic about an important issue we can discuss global issues like poverty in a new and hugely multi-faceted way. And from discussion springs action.

Poverty is a world-wide plague. It is sad, devastating, overwhelming and can seem pretty hopeless. In poverty stricken areas there is an abundance of lack – lack of food, lack of clean water, lack of medical supplies or treatment, lack of simple tools that could bring enormous benefit, lack of proper clothing or shoes, and a lack of hygiene that could truly create a better quality of life. But the good news is that it’s not hopeless! No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

There are so many good and trustworthy organizations available which exist to help in these situations. All one has to do, is choose the organization they would like to be affiliated with and then do something. It doesn’t matter if it is personal donations, fund-raisers, or going on a mission trip, we all can do something. Here is a small and simple list of organizations that I’m aware of, just off the top of my head. I know there are more. My list:

~ Compassion International
~ Food for the Hungry
~ Habitat for Humanity
~ Samaritan’s Purse
~ World Vision
~ Dream Center (This link is for the original DC, located in Los Angeles, but there are locations throughout the US.)

We’ve given to World Vision for several years through the sponsorship of a child. I can’t even begin tell you how good it feels to know that we’ve made a real difference in the life of a child. I believe it’s God’s heart that we help those in need. And no matter how much we give, we can’t out-give God. He blesses and rewards us for our faithfulness. Won’t you prayerfully consider doing the something that you can do? Just imagine how much better the world would be, if we all would just find a need and fill it and find a hurt and heal it!

“Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything. The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed”. ~ Prov. 11:24-25

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." ~ Luke 6:38


  1. Thank you for an awesome post! What a wonderful reminder to be aware of those around us--especially in this time of major unemployment right in our own backyards!

  2. great post and a powerful verse.

  3. Awesome post! I love the verse, too. Very good reminder to us to be sure and give what we can...

  4. Great WFW. Wonderful verse!

  5. Thank you for having such a precious heart.

  6. Bless you Tracy and thanks for participating my friend and sister in Christ!

  7. Wonderful post, I think I'm going to remember this verse - we help feed the homeless in Portland Oregon on occasional friday nights, and we're always trying to find new ways to fire up other people to get off their duffs and DO something! Thankful you shared this!!

  8. wonderful post! it's so important to remember, especially when we here in NA have more than we need (most of us!)


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!