Thursday, August 20

For Everything There Is A Season

For everything there is a season. This is a thought that has been going through my mind a lot lately. It is something I’ve been living. It’s probably something you have been living too. Seasons in life change, much like the changing of seasons in nature.

It hasn’t been easy for me to blog lately. Sweet Pea is full-on into everything now, which is quite prohibitive when it comes to doing any actual thinking or writing. And our laptop was broken and being repaired for nearly a month! While I do my writing on the desktop in the office, I usually read on the laptop because it is in the family room, and the desktop is in the office – with too much for Sweet Pea to get into.

So I haven’t been around much. But I miss visiting with you all, and sharing my thoughts. I know that this time will pass (and it will probably seem too quickly at that), but for now, I’m just not as present online in the blogging world as I would like to be. It’s true that I could write at night, and that’s what I’m trying to get back to, but with chasing a toddler all day, I’ve been pretty drained lately and my thoughts simply don't want to be coherent at night any longer.

Still, I will try to visit and post more, because I miss it, I really do. And I miss you all. I’m still happy to be posting the letters from His Princess and the book reviews, but I miss writing. All of this has gotten me to thinking about the “seasons” passage in Ecclesiastes. I’ve been dwelling on it a lot recently, and I may even attempt to do another series based on this passage of Scripture. We shall see.

And there is the finality of another season. Since I've been blogging, I’ve shared my struggles with having another baby. The struggle is now over. We have decided that after all the difficulties in actually getting pregnant, along with the three miscarriages, and the fact that I am now 40, it is time to stop. Actually, God has shown me that this season is finished. Sure, I could fight it, but that would be pretty fruitless, because I know God’s plan is always best. And for the first time in seven years, I’m at peace with where we are in having a family. With God’s revelation, He also bathed me in peace and love. And I know that one day, I will meet my other children in heaven. Oh what a wonderful day that will be!

So, I will stop fighting the tide, and simply be grateful for the amazing and wonderful gift that He has given me in my daughter. And I will get through enjoy these toddler times and trust that one day, I will no longer say “no” 3648 times per day. And I will try to appreciate all the seasons, whatever they are.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. Ecc. 3:1-8 (NLT)


  1. Praise the Lord that He spreads out His blessings, and knows the perfect timing for them, and walks with us through all of them. Praise the Lord that He carries us through the worst seasons.

  2. How bitter sweet Lauryn, but your trust in Him is so beautiful.
    One door closes and He opens another. . .How cliche, but when one season ends, another begins!

    You are absolutly an amazing, beautiful woman of God. Can't wait to see what He has in store for you!

    I heard Pamela say, Life begins at 40. Here we go girl!

  3. I hope you can enjoy these times! I have always loved my niece/nephew's at that age, almost the most, because they are so funny! They are trying so hard to grow up and the things they say and do are just hysterical. I love that my family keeps me updated on their blogs with the funnies! Since I don't have kids, I don't have to deal with the moments in between, but I hope you can remember those funnies and it carries you through the "no"'s!

  4. Hi Lauren,

    A great, honest post! I have Ecclesiastes 3:1 staring at me as I sit and write (it's on a cute little knick nack). Your words are wisdom filled. Glad you are at peace:)

    Hugs! and blessings!

  5. Lauryn, love this post!! I found your blog through and I am so glad that I did. I can tell it's going to be one that I look forward to reading each week.

    May God bless you & keep you.

  6. Lauryn,

    I;m glad you are at peace with your life. Isn't that age fun? Every season of your child's growth will leave you with stories to tell all your life.

    Larry E.

  7. I think I've been in such a place where I've tried to fight through doors God was closing and it's tiring...even that is a season I suppose, trying so hard being one of them. Now it's time to say, "Speak Lord for I am listening."

  8. You can't create the peace that shines through this post, it's all God. So thankful for that peace He's giving you.

    I understand the season you are in, I am at the tail end of it, and you know it's true, you will miss those chaotic toddler times when they move on.

    I was thinking last night how I miss writing---because I'm working so hard to get things ready to be a writer. Ah the irony.

    Hugs to you and Sweet Pea. God bless you for your transparency and obedience.

  9. Lauryn, when one door closes, God always opens up another. I can feel your pain in your writing about your decision not to have another baby, yet you are obeying God's will in your life. I know He has something bigger and better for you my friend. As you said, "for everything there is a season." I love you my friend. God knows what is best for us. Look forward to the new blessings He has waiting for you. I can not wait to read about them.

    God bless and keep you.

  10. Lauryn,

    What wisdom you have shared! I too went through a season where I had to realize that what I wanted and what God had planned for me were two different things. I just knew we were to have a fifth child, Samuel Isaac. He was not to be, and in my mid-forties, I surrendered that dream to God.

    Seasons... I could say so much about that. My "baby" (eighteen next month) just left for college this week. I am an empty-nester. I have two married children and grandchildren now! How did that happen?

    Trust me, you will miss not saying 'No' 3000 times a day! =) But it will take some years... in fact, by the time you miss it, you'll probably have grandbabies!

    I pray that God will bless you abundantly as you navigate the seasons you are in, that He will nurture your ministry and your writing in His perfect timing!


  11. Hi Lauren,

    I just wandered over from Splashin' Glory and I have to say your trust in God is beautiful. It sounds like you have been through many trials and can still praise Him. He is a mighty God!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!