Friday, January 2

Never Again List

I have been struggling just a bit with what to do for my first blog post of 2009. I mean, you only get one ‘first’ of the year post. Such pressure! Just kidding – sort of. I really didn’t want to do a post about goals, resolutions or any of the typical New Years things, but at the same time I really do understand the desire to focus in on change, because after all, that’s what a new year is, right?

What I’ve decided to post is a list I recently came across, while doing some end of year cleaning. This is not a list that I compiled, but I like it very much, and so I’ve decided to share it with you. It really is an appropriate list to begin a new year. I know that I will fail in keeping this list completely, but it will serve as a reminder to renew my mind daily and take my thoughts captive. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Never again will I confess “I Can’t” for “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~ Phil. 4:13

Never again will I confess “Lack” for “My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” ~ Phil. 4:19

Never again will I confess “Fear” for “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of sound mind.” ~ 2 Tim. 1:7

Never again will I confess “Doubt and Lack of Faith” for “God has given to every man the measure of faith.” ~ Romans 12:3

Never again will I confess “Weakness” for “The Lord is the strength of my life.” ~ Psa. 27:1

Never again will I confess “Defeat” for “God always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus.” ~ 2 Cor. 2:14

Never again will I confess “Lack of Wisdom” for “Christ Jesus has made unto me wisdom from God.” ~ 2 Cor. 1:30

Never again will I confess “Worries and Frustrations” for “I am casting all my cares upon Him who cares for me.” ~ 1 Pet. 5:7

Never again will I confess “Condemnation” for “There is therefore now no condemnation for those which are in Jesus Christ.” ~ Romans 8:2

Praise God and Amen!

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Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!