Monday, January 19

Introducing Character Counts

I am really excited about this new series that I am beginning called Character Counts. It is something I’ve wanted to do for some time now. By and large, society is suffering from a serious deficiency in character – even within the church. People are celebrated and even idolized because they can perform well in sports and all forms of entertainment. For most, their skills may be enviable, but their character is not.

Most of those who are heralded as heroes today are not – they’re just celebrities. What I want to do in this series is focus on people who are true heroes or men and women of good character. Those who understand sacrifice for a greater good, who live a life of integrity, dignity and honor. Some you’ll all probably know, while others you may not. Some may be living, and others may be long dead. Regardless, in my opinion, all who are featured here have made the world a better place.

Oh, and one more thing. I really think this is bigger than me and am open to participation from others. If others share this vision of celebrating people of character and would like to participate, I would be happy to make this into a twice a month meme. I will be posting Character Counts on the first and third Tuesday of each month, so my first personality will be featured tomorrow. Be sure to stop by and see who I've chosen to hightlight. Thank you!


  1. NICE! Looking forward to it.

  2. Can't wait to keep up with this new series Tracy!

    Blessings and love,

  3. You are brilliant, Tracy. I'll keep tuned in!

  4. Excellent idea! I'll participate!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!