Thursday, January 22

Freedom of Choice Act ~ Current Events Wrap Up

Ok, it’s Thursday, and you know what that means… It’s time for The Current Events Wrap Up meme, hosted by the amazing Julie Arduini at her The Surrendered Scribe blog. The Current Events Wrap Up meme is the vision God gave Julie for discussing what is going on in the world, nation and even our own lives. Please go and check out Julie’s blog, and if you like current events or news, think about joining in and/or spreading the word!

Once again, with SO much going on in the world and nation today, I had to really search my heart to determine what I, and God, wanted me to write about. And once again, God led me to where He wanted me to go. Right now there is a battle being waged to end the slaughter of innocent lives through the barbaric act of abortion. Make no mistake, this is a battle between light and darkness and good and evil. And there can be only one acceptable outcome – protection of the lives of the innocent unborn.

Barack Obama is now officially the President of the United States. While campaigning last year, he made a promise to Planned Parenthood to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. In fact, he stated in that speech, that it would be his first order of business. Thus far he has not signed it and we need to pray that this is a campaign promise that he does not keep.

Some of you may not be aware of exactly what FOCA is. The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide. This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support, such as:
· FOCA will do away with state laws on parental involvement, on partial birth abortion, and on all other protections.
· FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions.
· FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.
· FOCA will remove requirements that women be given information about the risks of getting an abortion.
· FOCA will allow other than licensed physicians to perform abortions.

Perhaps you may not even be aware of the history of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Liberals would paint Margaret Sanger’s history as that of a caring and passionate nurse who fought for the reproductive rights of women. What they don’t mention is that she was very racist and a Nazi sympathizer. She was a strong proponent of forced sterilization and elimination of those she deemed inferior or unworthy. This would include anyone not white, poor, and mentally or physically disabled. Sanger was a proponent of eugenics, a social philosophy which claims that human hereditary traits can be improved through social intervention. Methods of social intervention (targeted at those seen as "genetically unfit") advocated by eugenicists have included selective breeding, sterilization and euthanasia.

This is not about choice, because proponents of abortion do not give vital information or facts that would allow an expectant mother to make a choice other than abortion. Since we now have a pro-abortion president, it is imperative that the fight continue. We must choose to get the facts, get involved and make our voices heard.

There are countless websites that give information on all types of abortion, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, etc. Support those who are on the front lines of this battle –Jill Stanek (former nurse), Gianna Jensen (abortion survivor), National Right to Life, Pro-Life, Americans United for Life, and Crisis Pregnancy Centers to name a few. Right now you can get involved by going to the website and sign a petition, and support financially, to fight the Freedom of Choice Act. Together we can win and save lives.


  1. Tracy,
    My prayer since the election was that he would experience a "Saul" to "Paul" transformation. I pray as set as he was/is on "free choice", something supernatural happens that causes him to never even put a pencil to paper, let alone a pen. Our prayers make a difference. What a great timely topic. Thanks for doing this Tracy!

  2. Praying and standing with you against this!

    Believing God will use this for all of our good and His glory!


  3. So sad what he is already doing to quickly! This talks about his stance on abortion:

  4. Hi Tracy!

    I just wanted to let you know I stopped by and read through some of your blogs. You have a true talent! I know God is speaking through you to everyone that reads this. You such a great woman of God. Much love!

  5. I didn't know about FOCA. Thank you for sharing some excellent information!! I will be praying!

  6. Great post, Tracy. Keep fighting the good fight. I just love that so blogs are starting to speak out. We are in historical times.
    I thank you for the great info!

  7. This is well-written, Tracy. My comments echo Julie's word for word.


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!