Monday, December 15

Wasilla Bible Church

I’m sure most of you have heard that Sarah Palin’s home church in Wasilla, AK was seriously damaged by arson recently and has suffered $1 million in damage. The event itself is very sad, but for me, what’s even worse is the fact that I’m not at all surprised by this cowardly act. In case anyone is interested in supporting this church during their time of need, you can make donations to:

1. Please make your check payable to: Wasilla Bible Church

2. Mail your check to:
Wasilla Bible Church1651 W. Nicola AvenueWasilla, Alaska 99654


  1. Thoughtful act, Sis. Thanks!
    Having survived "Ike" here in Houston, we thank God for the help of others, the protection of the Father, and for good ministry insurance! :-)

    Eddie Smith

  2. Tracy,

    Yes, I heard about it, bvut just barely. Where is the outrage? I also heard she apologized to the minister if the publicity garnered from her campaign induced it. She has nothing to apologize to anyone for this senseless crime. I also understand their were some people, including children in the church at the time, but all escaped unharmed. It is very sad.

    Larry E.


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!