Tuesday, December 9

Takin' the Time

This is the time of year, in which a lot of us typically think about… well, time. The current year is drawing to a close and the New Year is about to begin. We reflect on what we’ve experienced throughout this current year and dream about what we’ll experience next year. Sometimes we’re happy to see a particular year end, because it’s been filled with difficulty and trials, other times we ponder the abundant blessings the year has brought us.

During the Holiday Season, there never seems to be enough time and we are frequently far busier than we should be. We rush around in frantic fashion, going from this event to that, constantly cooking and cleaning, and doing shopping for and wrapping of gifts. How can we enjoy the season if we’re too busy to experience the joy of the season?

Time is a precious commodity, and we all have just a certain amount of it. The Bible tells us to ‘redeem the time,’ to make the most of it. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, there’s no getting it back or making more of it. At the end of our days, we don’t want to look back and think about all of the busy times, but rather we want to think about the special, meaningful times, and have our memories filled with warmth and love, instead of emptiness and regret.

The activities I mentioned previously are all good things, as long as the business doesn’t overtake the joy and meaning of the Christmas Season. If you’re stressed and overloaded this time of year, try to make a conscious effort to slow down, take a break and enjoy. It’ll do you good to relax a bit. Take some time to think about the reason for celebrating – the birth of Jesus and the love of family and friends. I guarantee you it will be time well spent!

Ordinary days and activities do have a place in our lives, and we should be productive, but we must be mindful to seize the moments that come our way that are filled with joy, beauty, laughter, love and life. This is to build memories and to not just get through our time here, but to enjoy the journey. At the end of my days, I want to remember that through it all, I loved, and lived, life. Don’t you?

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away." ~ Unknown


  1. I love this. Sunday's sermon was on this same subject...I was surprised to see that you also blogged about this. Maybe I need to pay attention...God is probably trying to tell me something here. Don'tcha think??? I do need to look at how I spend my time and stop wasting so much with things that really don't matter.
    Thanks for this reminder and encouragement.
    Sweet Blessings,

  2. Hi Tracy,

    You know this post is right up my alley! Leave the world to its hussle and bussle - be still and enjoy the reason for this season!

    Hugs and blessings to you - Jill

  3. Great post, Tracy. Nice reminder to slow down a bit.

  4. Yep...ain't this so true?!?!? I refuse to get overwhelmed this holiday season. It's just not worth it and it is over before I know. But this is a great reminder to make the time I do have here count!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!