Tuesday, December 16

For God So Loved ~ WFW

This is my contribution to the meme Word-Filled Wednesday. For more beautiful pictures with inspiring Scripture, please visit The 160 Acre Woods, home of WFW.

The Christmas Season is about giving. It exists because God gave. We celebrate it because we celebrate Him and we follow His example by giving to others. It doesn’t have to be a pretty package, but it can be. It can also be a smile, a compliment, a kindness, a dinner invitation, a phone call or a little extra grace and mercy as we go about our day. God gave because He loved. What a better way to express our love for God, than by showing and sharing His love to others. Merry Christmas!


  1. Amen! God loves us all so very much! Thanks for the wonderful reminder! and your picture is great today!

  2. AMEN! Oh thank YOU GOD for giving us our SAVIOR!

    He is so much more than that - really He is the only reason to live.

    Love and hugs,

  3. This is gorgeous, Tracy, and I love the way you have the verse gift under the tree! Can you hear the "Amen" and the "Hallelujah" from me? Merry CHRISTmas!

  4. WONDERFUL!! The greatest gift of all!! (Love that new--at least to me--profile pic of you!)
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh, how much He loves us! And we should love one another. Awesome post, picture & Scripture! Thanks for sharing. Happy WFW!!

  6. A great reminder... it's not just about a baby in a manger. That manger just points to the cross wherein the real gift lies...salvation to whosoever believes.

    Thanks for sharing today.

  7. Amen! I never knew how much affect a kind word or smile could mean to someone until one day when I said "hello I love your scarf' to this lady who I did not know. She looked at me and smiled and said, "thank you, you do not know how much that meant to me." I do not know what she was going through, nor what may have happened to her that day, but I know for that moment, that instant she was smiling and happy. To God be all the glory for the simple things we do in His name. Blessings my friend and wonderful post.

  8. I love this picture with scripture!
    Thanks for the reminder in keeping it real!

  9. Very poignant, as usual, thanks Tracy! It's easy to get caught up in the materialism, and stressing about the materialism because of the economy.

    Thanks for the beautiful reminder!

  10. I think one of the best Christmas gifts I was given was from a dear friend. He criticized me and then boldly chewed me out.

    He got my attention, and he got me to repent. And repentance is a beautiful thing.



Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!