Friday, October 31

Super-Sarah Saturday #7

Well, here we are, at the last Super-Sarah Saturday before the election. It’s almost hard to believe that it’s finally here – the election, I mean. I believe this is the most crucial election our Nation has seen in a very long time. Since Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain’s running mate, she and her family have overcome an onslaught of hateful and vicious attacks, not by the candidates on the other side, but by the supporters of the candidates on the other side. She, and her family, have held it together, and have exhibited class the whole way through. As this journey has progressed, she has impressed me more and more. No matter what happens next week, I believe we will see much more of this lady in the future. So, without further adieu, I give you these final illustrations. (BTW, I probably should have posted these first because they relate to the Republican National Convention – oops!)


  1. I completely agree about Sarah!!!! I'm keeping my fingers cross from a good outcome on Tuesday!!!!!!!!

    Come over to The Serenity Gate and visit. I'm also having a giveaway!
    Blessings, Barbara

  2. Can't wait for this election to be over!! Praying we see her in office!

  3. Awesome, Tracy! I've really enjoyed these posts. ON my knees over this election...

  4. LOL, love the cartoons. Praying for our country...


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!