Wednesday, October 29

Delight Yourself in the Lord ~ WFW

This is my contribution to the meme Word-Filled Wednesday. For more beautiful pictures with inspiring Scripture, please visit The 160 Acre Woods, home of WFW.

Isn’t this a comforting verse? When we choose to be in fellowship with the Lord, and love Him with all our heart, He gives us our deepest desires. Why is that? I believe it’s because when we’re close to Him, like a child in her Father’s lap, He places those desires within us. Then our desires are in line with His will for us. Even if it takes a long time to come to pass. Even if it doesn’t look exactly like what we think it should. He always has the best for us, and we should always trust Him to know what is best.


  1. Amen to this wonderful verse!

  2. Tracy,
    This is one of my favorite verses. We don't always commit our way to the Lord, but when we do--oh what a blessing!
    I'm anxious to hear about your plans!! Glad you are motivated too. It helps when we can spur each other on during those down moments.

  3. This is such a beautiful verse. And for me, it's one of those passages where the real meaning is totally missed in a cursory quick reading or quoting. It requires of us to meditate and live inside the verse -- once we do that, it is SO much More RICH and meaningful. Beautiful artwork with it makes it pleasant too. :-)
    Happy WFW!

    ... AND, oh my...
    Your post on LIFE!
    No comment. Just TOTAL Agreement.
    I'm going to link it to my WFW post on LIFE. OKAY?

  4. BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Blessings Tracy...May you always DELIGHT in the LORD! Such a beautiful way of sharing this beautiful scripture that sparkles with His Love & Light. Committing my way to the Lord with you! Your own words are so inspiring & fill my Word filled day with His comfort indeed. Enjoy WFW!

  6. Tracy,
    Yes, what a very comforting verse. Love this..."Then our desires are in line with His will for us. Even if it takes a long time to come to pass." Sometimes a very, very long time. I am only beginning to understand what this verse truly means.

  7. It truly is a comforting verse but I love the fact also that it challenges us to do our part. If we delight, if we meditate, if we follow, if we abide in Him, then we will get the desires of our heart.

    For sure, if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us.

    Beautiful graphic.

    thanks for sharing Tracy


  8. Beautiful verse, and beautiful thoughts on it.
    Thanks Tracy!

  9. It is a very comforting verse! I love the illustration framing it, too. Happy WFW!

  10. There are some things I only share with my God... some hopes, some dreams. I love this verse and know that I can trust Him with those.

  11. beautifuly done!

    and your nano post, sounds interesting! i have often thought about finishing some that i've started! the other one i was looking at was the 365 project!


Thank you for sowing seeds back to me! Blessings!